FIX SUITE certification | B3

Certification process






To obtain access to the Trader certification environment, the following registrations are required:

  • Institution – The institution that wants to undertake the certification process
  • Users registered by front office administrator – The administrator of the NoMe platform may register users to access the platform as traders;
  • Sessão FIX – The session that connects the application to be certified to Trader’s FIX.SUITE

Click here to download the form for requesting these registrations. The completed form should be emailed to [email protected].

Registered institutions requiring help with other registrations should email questions to [email protected].

Trader Registration:

The registered administrator can create users on the NoMe platform with the profile “Trader”. These users in turn can create their own users as traders on the Trader platform from the NoMe platform.

The administrator creates users at:

  • Menu, Access control, User, User inclusion

The users thus created can create their own users to operate as traders on the Trader platform at:

  • Menu, Access control, User, User maintenance (Cetip Trader). Before clicking on “Send”, you must answer “Yes” to the question: “Access to new platform?”

The administrator and users access the NoMe platform at:

Click here for the Trader certification environment addresses to access FIX.SUITE and the Trader Terminal.


  • Participant registration
  • Administrator
  • Traders
  • FIX.SUITE FIX session

Participants receive automatically receive emails with the respective credentials.


3 days


Scheduling certification

The following scripts are available for certification:

  • Voice Module:
    • Simple Voice;
    • Funds Transfer Voice.
  • Order Entry:
    • Screen Order module
    • Bond Call module

Click here to download certification script.

Click here to download form. Email completed form to [email protected].


Scheduling certification.

The certification start date depends on the availability of executing teams.


1 day (After participant submits form)


Executing certification

Certification executed.

The duration of this activity may vary in accordance with the maturity of the software to be certified.



After completing the certification script, participants must email the application logs to [email protected], stating in the body of the email that certification was successful, and that the application certified worked as expected in terms of functionality.

B3 emails participants to inform them that they have completed the certification process.

2 days (after participant sends logs)