B3 sets a series of standards for the conduct of companies, managers and controlling shareholders considered as important for valuation of shares and other assets issued by the company. The adherence to these practices distinguishes a company as either Companhia Nível 1 (Level 1 Company) or Companhia Nível 2 (Level 2 Company), depending on the degree of commitment assumed by the company.
The adherence to B3's "Special Corporate Governance Levels" better advertises the efforts of the company to improve the relation with its investors and increases the potential for appreciation in asset value.
Companhias Nível 1 largely undertake to improve methods of disclosure to the market and to disperse their shares among the largest number of shareholders possible. Thus, the principal practices required of a Companhia Nível 1 are:
- Maintenance of a free-float of at least 25% of the capital;
- Public offerings have to use mechanisms to favor capital dispersion;
- Improvement in quarterly reports, including the disclosure of consolidated financial statements and special audit revision;
- Monthly disclosure of trades involving equities issued by the company on the part of the controlling shareholders;
- Disclosure of an annual calendar of corporate events.