Selic Fee | B3
Base contracts for the average
  • Futures Contract Referencing the Average Rate for One-Day Repurchase Agreements (OC1)
Applicable contracts
  • Futures Contract Referencing the Average Rate for One-Day Repurchase Agreements (OC1)
  • Call and Put Options on the Index of the Average Rate of One-Day Repurchase Agreements (ITC)

Specific unit cost calculation



Unit Cost = the cost calculated for the exchange fee or the variable registration fee for one contract;

legenda_P.png = average cost calculated for the exchange fee or the variable registration fee, based on the ADV and the tables below, on a progressive way;

Term = term of the operation, in reserve days, limited to a minimum of 1 and maximum of 290 days.

Exchange fee and registration fee - fixed and variable components

ADV Exchange fee Registration fee
From To Variable component Fixed component (BRL)
1 100 0.0006732 0.0005482 N/A
101 1,260 0.0006396 0.0005209 N/A
1,261 2,800 0.0005722 0,0004660 N/A
2,801 7,300 0.0005386 0.0004386 N/A
7,301 47,900 0.0005049 0.0004112 N/A
More than 47,900 0.0004376 0.0003563 N/A

Incentive Policies

The incentive policies below affect only the exchange fee and the variable registration fee. The fixed registration fee remains the same as described on the table.

  • Options: 55% of the unit cost calculated for the exchange fee and the variable registration fee;
  • Daytrade:
    • Future: 35% of the unit cost calculated for the exchange fee and the variable registration fee;
    • Options: 50% of the unit cost calculated for the exchange fee and the variable registration fee.

Permanence fee

Contract Reduction factor (λ) Value per day (p)
OC1 0.73 BRL0.00816

This fee is not charged for options.

Settlement fee

For the OC1 contracts, a settlement fee of BRL0.01166 will be charged at the settlement.

Options exercise

Exercise of ITC options will be charged as an ITC option.