FX Forward Fees | B3
  • With CCP
Applicable contracts
  • Currency NDF


Fee Value Floor Cap
Registration1 0.00300% BRL 27.68 -
Permanence2 0.00150% BRL 13.83 -
Early settlement BRL 3.31 - -
Ownership transfer - assignor BRL 3.31 - -
Ownership transfer - assignee1 0.00300% BRL 27.68 -
Ownership transfer - assenting party - - -
Cancelation - T0 - - -
Cancelation - between T+1 and T+3 BRL 3.31 - -
Cancelation - after T+3 BRL 1,207.71 - -

1 Applied on the notional value of the operation, on the date of the fee generating operation (registration, transfer or correction).

2 Due monthly, pro rata temporis, applied on the notional value updated on the closing value. Exponential monthly rate, of 21 business days.