Ibovespa and Brazil Index 50 Fees | B3
Applicable contracts
  • Call and Put Option on BOVESPA Index - Ibovespa
  • Call and Put Option on Brazil Index 50 - IBrX-50

Trading fee, settlement fee and registration fee

Type of Investor Trading Settlement Registration Total
Individuals and overall investors1 0.0230% 0.0275% 0.0335% 0.0840%
Local investment funds and clubs1 0.0170% 0.0180% 0.0250% 0.0600%
Daytrade (all investors)1 0.0120% 0.0180% 0.0150% 0.0450%
Exercise of index options2 0.0050% 0.0250% - 0.0300%

1 Applied on the option premium value, for each investor (buyer and seller).

2 Applied on the spread of the operation.