Collateral | B3

Security Pledged % of the Total Pledged
Brazilian Federal Government Bonds SELIC R$ 486,660,360,369.36 82.602%
Equities, Units, ETFs and others R$ 82,027,514,118.61 13.923%
US and German Treasury Bonds R$ 9,284,104,915.75 1.576%
Letters of Credit R$ 5,029,800,000.00 0.854%
Fixed Income securities issued by banks (CDs, LCIs and LCAs) R$ 2,819,031,168.86 0.478%
Cash - Brazilian Real R$ 1,946,047,585.09 0.330%
Cash - US Dollar R$ 1,307,088,268.62 0.222%
BM&FBOVESPA Settlement Bank R$ 85,587,934.01 0.015%
Total Used R$ 451,640,418,403.75 76.658%
Total Pledged (BRL) R$ 589,159,534,360.30 100.000%
Total Pledged (USD) US$ 114,133,966,361.93 100.000%

Update: 26/04/2024