Product sheet | B3

Options on Cash Settled Soybean Futures

  • UnderlyingSoybean Future Contract (Soybean in bulk, export type, with a maximum of: 14% moisture content; 1% foreign matter and impurities; 30% broken beans; 8% green beans; 8% damaged, of which a maximum of 6% moldy beans, 4% heat-damaged and burned beans, of which burned beans cannot exceed 1%; and 18.5% oil content).
    Option styleAmerican.
    Contract size450 bags weighing 60-net kilograms (corresponding 27 metric tons).
    QuotationPremium quotation express in Dollars of United States per bag to two decimal places.
    Tick sizeUSD0.01.
    Round-lot1 contract.
    Last trading dayThe business day preceding the expiration date.
    Expiration dateSecond business day prior to the start of the contract month.
    Contract monthsMarch, april, may, june, july, august, september, and november.
    Option exerciseOn the expiration date, the option exercise is performed automatically by BM&FBOVESPA, subject to the following conditions:
    Call option (call):
    a) If the result of the difference between the settlement price of the contract object and the exercise price for the principal owner, is positive; and
    b) the principal holder does not register on the trading system its intention not to exercise its call on the expiration date.
    Put option (put):
    a) If the result of the difference between the exercise price and the settlement price of the contract subject to the principal owner, is positive; and
    b) the principal holder does not register on the trading system its intention not to exercise its put on the expiration date.