Reconciliation | B3


To safeguard the integrity of the assets, the B3´s CSD conducts periodic reconciliation of the totals of assets issues in the B3´s CSD for each issuer (or its issuing agent), and ensure that the total number of assets recorded in the B3´s CSD for a particular issue is equal to the amount of assets of that issue held on the B3´s CSD's books. As the issuer (or its issuing agent) is the only entity that can verify the total amount of an individual issue, B3´s CSD and the issuer cooperate closely to ensure that the assets in circulation in the system correspond to the volume issued into that system.

For that, the B3´s CSD provides all the information necessary for issuers, issuing agent and custodians to carry out their own reconciliations of assets. Should they identify discrepancies, participants must immediately notify the B3´s CSD so that both can take actions and make the necessary adjustments.