Retail liquidity provider (RLP) | B3

Retail Liquidity Provider (RLP)

RLP allows brokerage houses, investment banks, multiple banks or another investors to be counterparty to their retail clients’ buy and sell orders for securities, creating greater liquidity for clients to trade in the markets operated by B3.

RLP was developed in a public consultation process with the market, with the aim of enhancing Brazilian capital market regulation so as to encourage an increase in individual investors served by the banks and brokerage houses’ retail areas.

This new order type is exclusively for aggressor orders, in other words those at which the best bids and asks trade RLP is available for mini U.S. Dollar Futures (WDO), mini Ibovespa Futures (WIN) and Equities.


For further information, please contact us:

B3 Trading Platform area

Telephone +55 11 2565-5023
