Block Trading Solutions | B3
Applicable contracts
  • Block trading solutions for shares – Midpoint Order Book Solution
  • Block trading solutions for shares –RFQ (Request for Quote) Solution
  • Block trading solutions for shares – BBT (Book of Block Trade) Solution

Trading fee, settlement fee, registration fee

Type of investor Trading1 Settlement1 Registration1 Total1
Pessoas físicas e demais investidores 0,0050% 0,0250% - 0,0300%
Fundos e clubes de investimento locais²; 0,0050% 0,0180% - 0,0230%

1 On the financial value of the operation, for each investor (buyer and seller).

2 For Fee Structure purposes, B3 considers as Local investment funds and clubs the investores which economic activity registered on Sincad are: 203.00, 501.00, 501.01, 501.02, 501.03 e 701.00

Volume tiers for daytrade

Transactions executed in block trading solutions are treated the same way as trades originated from the central book, including being subject to a differentiated day trade operations table.

The definitions and rules for calculating day trade volume can be found in Circular Letter 189/2023-PRE, in section 1.3.

The day trade fees table can be found in the same circular letter and on the Equities and Investment Funds Fees/Spot Marketpage

Tributos que influem na formação das tarifas” artigo 1º, §2º, da Lei nº 12.741/12: As taxas descritas nesta página incluem o valor do PIS e da COFINS, cuja alíquota total é de 9,25%, e o valor do ISS cuja alíquota pode variar de 2% a 5%.

Os emolumentos e taxas de negociação incluem o valor do PIS e da COFINS, cuja alíquota total é de 9,25%.

Há contribuições previdenciárias indiretamente alocadas nos custos discriminados na referida Seção.