Contacts | B3


Subject Contacts
Specialized sales Fixed income Trader platform relationships
  • Email: 
  • Tel: 
Trader platform projects and suggestions Fixed income products
  • Tel: +55 (11) 2565-7464
FIX.SUITE and Traderlink projects and suggestions Front office and connectivity products
  • Tel: +55 (11) 2565-5996.
Customer service and support Trading support:
  • Responsible for solving technological problems and providing first-level support for incidents in the production environment, such as unavailability, intermittence or low performance of Trader and Traderlink.
  • Responsible for supporting participants to solve operational issues, answering questions on characteristics of contracts and assets, and responding to requests to correct trades.
Trading certification:
  • Responsible for supporting participants in matters relating to Trader in the certification environment.