Contracting and Prices | B3

UP2DATA service

The topics selected below may help you to clarify some doubts about UP2DATA. If you don't find what you're looking for, you can contact our sales team to learn more about service through the email or, for technical questions, contact the support team by email

Contracting and Prices

  • Can I get a free trial or a see some examples before I buy?

    You can check what the files look like and what data is available on our website at the bottom of the “Available data” page.

    If you want to evaluate the complete solution, besides the files, you can receive the credentials to install and access the product by signing the contract, which is free during the exemption period until April 2023.

  • What do we consider as internal use?

    Use of UP2DATA data for exclusively internal use by the contracting company and the institutions present in the economic group annex of the UPDATA Agreement.

    For more information access our commercial policy and contract available on our website on the “How to hire and Access” page.

  • What do we consider as distribution?

    It is the availability or marketing of UP2DATA data to institutions and/or end users that are not part of your economic group. This distribution can take place in an environment with restricted access, such as those requiring a login and password, or a secure file traffic network (DISTRIBUTION DISPLAY or NON-DISPLAY) and/or in a public environment (DISCLOSURE).

  • What are the uses of the data allowed by signing the contract?

    Signing the UP2DATA Agreement allows the contracting institution to use the UP2DATA data for internal consumption (internal use) and/or distribute the data to users and/or institutions not included in the contracting institution's economic group annex (external distribution). 

    The use permission will depend on the annexes filled out by the institution, that is, the contractual annexes determine what will be the use of the data (internal or distribution) as well as the rates and responsibilities applicable to each of its uses, depending on the contracted channels.

    For more information about the purpose of each attachment please check the " Filling the Contract of UP2DATA" section available on our website on the “How to hire and Access” page.

    It is important to mention that those who use UP2DATA data as input for external distribution and the creation of indexes, rates, benchmarks and the like, must contact B3 and request authorization/license for such use, following the necessary contractual procedures.

  • Who should sign the UP2DATA contract?

    The UP2DATA Agreement is a modular contract in which the annexes determine the type of use that the client will be able to make of the data resulting from this service (internal use or distribution). This contract is intended for the following institutions:

    • Institutions that connect directly with B3 and use the data for internal consumption;
    • Institutions that connect directly with B3 and use the data for data distribution (Distributor/Carrier);
    • Institutions that wish to distribute UP2DATA data regardless of whether they have access to UP2DATA data by B3 or through a Distributor/Carrier;
    • Institutions that access UP2DATA data through a Distributor/Carrier and are in the "Pass Through" pricing model.
  • I am already a UP2DATA client, do I need to make a new contract due to the launch of the New Commercial Policy?

    For contractors who only make internal use of UP2DATA channels, without distribution of information, no re-contracting will be necessary.

    If the client wants to modify the contracted channels or the number of access keys, the client must follow the standard procedure for updating annexes as described in section 6 of the UP2DATA Commercial Policy. The annexes and the Policy are available on the “How to hire and Access” page on our website.

    For contractors who make or intend to make external distribution of data, it is necessary to sign UP2DATA's new unified Agreement, which covers internal use and distribution of data. The new Agreement, Commercial Policy and Annexes are available on the “How to hire and Access” page on our website.

  • What are the main changes in the UP2DATA service with the publication of Commercial Policy 1.6?

    Before the publication of this policy, the client contracting for INTERNAL use of UP2DATA only for activities inside the company was different from those who would like to DISTRIBUTE the data from the UP2DATA service. Thus, we had the presence of two separate contracts, the Service Contract and the Distribution Agreement.

    In order to simplify the hiring process of UP2DATA and the distribution of its data, these two contracts were unified in the same Commercial Policy and Agreement.

    In addition to this modification, Commercial Policy 1.6 had the revision of the UP2DATA channel values for use and distribution, presenting new possibilities for data access and reorganization of the channels made available.

    To consult UP2DATA’s new Commercial Policy, simply access the UP2DATA session on the B3 website, on is available on our website on the “How to hire and Access” page.

  • How can I identify if the file I access has had its publishing location (Channel) and/or nomenclature changed?

    The Channels and files that had their names and/or layout changed can be seen below:

    • The channel "Data Analytics" will be renamed "Analytics_BDR";
    • The CRI and CRA data published in the "Fixed_Income/CRI" channel and the CRA data published in the "Fixed_Income/CRA" will now be published in a specific channel called "CRI_CRA";
    • The file "BVBG.087" published in the "Index/ TradeInformation" channel will now be published in the "Old" channels;
    • The "SwapRate" file published in the "Curves" channel will now be published in the "Old" channels;
    • The file "VolatilityEqWeb" published in the "Volatility_Surface" channel will now be published in the "Old" channels;
    • The "Indica" file published in the "Economic Indicator" channel will now be published in the "Old" channels;
    • The "Indic" file published in the "Economic Indicator" channel will now be published in the "Old" channels.
  • Can I hire UP2DATA as an individual?

    No, UP2DATA is only available to legal entities as per section 3 (UP2DATA Contractors) of our Commercial Policy available on our website on the “How to hire and Access” page.

    For individuals B3 access some market information on our website through this link or purchase data packages from our online data store, UP2DATA OnDemand.

    For individuals, B3 makes some market information available free of charge on our website, or, if you wish to purchase data packages, we recommend visiting UP2DATA OnDemand. If you have questions about data available on our website, we recommend contacting Atende B3.

  • When am I considered a distributor or redistributor of data?

    We consider UP2DATA distributors those who receive service data directly from B3 and distribute them in (environment controlled by login and password), by systems or disclose (public environment). Redistributors are those who receive the data from UP2DATA distributors to distribute or disclose the information, in the same way as distributors, the only change is the means of access to the information

    For more information access our commercial policy and Agreement available on our website on the “How to hire and Access” page.

  • I want to be a data redistributor or distributor. Should I sign the UP2DATA contract?

    Yes, all institutions that intend to distribute UP2DATA data must sign the UP2DATA Agreement with B3, informing the intention to distribute the data and the contact of the institution that provides the data for such distribution (Distributor/Carrier) through the annexes of the UP2DATA Agreement.

    For more information on the redistribution modality, please refer to the UP2DATA Commercial Policy available on the “How to hire and Access” page. The purpose of each annex to the contract can be found in the "Filling the Contract of UP2DATA" section available on our website on the “How to hire and Access” page.

  • When I receive data from a distributor, do I need to sign the Agreement?

    It depends, if your institution intends to externally distribute the data you receive from your distributor (Carrier, you must sign the Agreement with B3 and indicate the data you wish to distribute and who your Distributor/Carrier is, in order to use the data for internal activities only, it is not necessary to sign the contract with B3.

  • What is the maximum capacity of access keys per contract? And what is the commercial policy for additional keys?

    Upon signing the UP2DATA  Agreement, the company contracting the direct access (access to the UP2DATA service directly with B3) has up to two access keys for the UP2DATA service included in its standard subscription, which can be Client or Cloud keys. These keys will be used for installation/qualification of the product for use within the contracting company and can be used by all companies present in the contract, including its economic group.

    It is possible to hire additional keys to the two already released, should the company require them. The product's Commercial Policy contains the values for hiring additional keys and can be accessed through our website on the “How to hire and Access” page.

  • After hiring UP2DATA, how is the communication about the release of access to the contracting company?

    After validation of the contract by the B3 hiring team (, clients will receive by email all the information necessary for installing the software (client version) and/or platform access (cloud version).

    In case of technical questions regarding installation or configuration after receiving the email, access the UP2DATA access manuals available on our website on the “How to hire and Access” page or contact the B3’s dataservices team via email

  • Where can I find the price of the UP2DATA service?

    The values related to the service can be found in our commercial policy, which are defined based on the type of contract and other specifications, that the client must choose in its contract with B3. The Commercial Policy of the product can be accessed through our website on the “How to hire and Access” page. It is worth noting that UP2DATA will be free until April 2023.

  • When do I start paying for UP2DATA?

    UP2DATA will be charged from April 2023, regardless of your contract signing date and type of contract. Billing will be monthly, for more information, we recommend consulting item 7 of the commercial policy available on our website on the “How to hire and Access” page.

  • Can I here/purchase more channels?

    If the institution already has the product contracted, to acquire more channels, it is only necessary to update Annex II of the service contract and send it to the contracting team by email ( informing them of these changes. Important: during the update of Annex II for sending to B3, it is necessary to fill in the channels you want to purchase and also the current channels, otherwise we will understand that you want to remove the current channels and the legal representative of the contract must be responsible to make this change or be aware of them stand in copy of the e-mail requesting the amendment of the attachment.

    For more information about each attachment, check the “Filling out the contract” section available on our website on the “How to hire and Access” page.

  • Information provided in contracting

    After contracting UP2DATA, the client will receive all the necessary information to access the service by email and through the Atende B3 system. In case of UP2DATA Client/Software contracting, the client will receive: the installation key and the download link to the UP2DATA Client (software installer).

    In the UP2DATA Cloud the client will receive: the certificate (pfx file) and access kit (txt file containing the contractor's credentials, i.e. the Client ID, Client Secret and Certificate Password).

    It is important to inform you that we have the Client and Cloud installation manual that can be accessed in the “How to hire and Access