Information Delivery | B3

UP2DATA service

The topics selected below may help you to clarify some doubts about UP2DATA. If you don't find what you're looking for, you can contact our sales team to learn more about service through the email or, for technical questions, contact the support team by email

Information Delivery

  • How do I access UP2DATA and how is information delivered?

    File delivery takes place through an encrypted and secure connection between B3 servers and the UP2DATA platform.

    There are two versions of access to UP2DATA, the Client and the Cloud. In the Client version the files can be accessed through the contractor's directory, while in the Cloud version the files can be accessed in the cloud through a Cloud reader such as Microsoft Azure.

  • What is the difference between Cloud and Client?

    There are some features that differ in relation to the version of UP2DATA chosen (Client or Cloud) as shown in the table below:

    Funcionalities UP2DATA Client UP2DATA Cloud
    Windows Operational System X X
    Linux Operational System   X
    Automatic Download X  
    Command Line Download   X
    Folder Hierarchy choice X  
    Multiple formats (CSV, JSON, TXT e XLM) X X
  • How do I report information or documentation inconsistency or delivery delays?

    If you find any inconsistency in the information, documentation or delivery of files, please contact our team at

  • What is the time of availability of the files and the service?

    UP2DATA data are mostly published in D0 so the delivered are made on the same day they occur (end-of-day data). The average incident response time is 2 hours and for technical assistance, the maximum is 5 days by the Dataservices team.

  • Is it possible to track the delivery of files?

    For UP2DATA customers we have a file delivery monitoring API, its technical documentation can be accessed through this link and to access it you must request the "Access Kit for Monitoring APIs - UP2DATA" from our team of dataservices.

    In addition, it is possible to follow the publication of files through the website:

    It is important to note that there are some general rules for updating files:

    • The files will be updated from Monday to Friday, at the following times from 2 am with the registration data until 11 pm with corporate event data.
    • UP2DATA will work 24 hours a day, but it will only update the data on trading days, that is, when there is a trading session.

    For other questions, contact our technical support via email